
  •     Designed and manufactured by us lighting system is result of our scientific approach to the most important thing in photogrammetrical scanning – correct lighting. Precisely profiled background (arch) with arch-shaped reflective surface of the lamp base on multiple rays of light reflection phenomenon (using black body light absorption rule) give unique light space effect, unattainable when using other techniques i.e. traditional diffusion lamps (artistic scans of black objects places on black background). Light space effect used by us is result of multiple radius of curvature of the lamps compared to radius of the curvature of the background. Large depth of field and vividness we achieve by using additional flash of LED lamp, increasing light spectrum of emitted light into red/infra-red. Our high-tech lighting solution is energy saving and can be controlled using PC/remote, it can be also connected to shutter release interface. Our specialistic lamps can be equipped in 3D head, so you can quickly achieve right lamp position.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

All above prices are net prices, FOB - company headquarters, Wroclaw, Poland.
Due to constant upgrades of our system, we reserve full right to change
technical specification of all products, in order to improve their quality and functionality.