TopShow3D ROTATOR360 Suspended set

  •     TopShow3D Rotator360 (TSR) is TopShow3D system expansion pack that allows creating 3D/360deg. presentations of objects that need to be suspended. Rotator360, which is an automated rotating unit, can be can be mounted directly to the ceiling or by special joint connected to arc stand and rear background. This type of configuration allows convenient relocating of the set without need of complicated disassembly from the ceiling.

        Rotator360 can withhold objects up to 25kg. Additionally you can synchronize Rotator360 with automatic TSA turntable i.e. when dealing with unstable objects, you can attach them to the turntable which will rotate accordingly.

        Thanks to Rotator360 you can scan the underneath of objects as well.



All above prices are net prices, FOB - company headquarters, Wroclaw, Poland.
Due to constant upgrades of our system, we reserve full right to change
technical specification of all products, in order to improve their quality and functionality